Thursday, August 22, 2013

Kissing a Deer Last Night

Tyler and I were just leaving Cody on our way back to Burlington when a doe and a fawn decided to walk right into our lane while we were going 60 mph.  I hit the breaks and tried to go between both of them just clipping the back end of the doe.  Fortunately for us, we didn't hit her head on.  Returning to the seen, the doe was no where to be found. 

The second photo I took just out of Worland Wyoming this morning on the way to work.  In time we as a family may be moving to this area.  From where I took the picture you could see two corn fields, an alfalfa field, and some sugar beets. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Out With The Old, In With The New

Recently we had to move into our new abode the (trailer house) in the first picture from the gray house in the bottom picture.  Going from a 4 bedroom 1 bath house to a 2 bedroom 1 bath has required a bit of downsizing but we did it.  Renting a portable storage container became a necessity because the closest mini storage is 25 miles from Burlington.  Even though the new abode is small, we are happy.  Rentals are hard to come by in the area. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

And That's The Way They Became The Bean Field Bunch

Starting in mid July, Sheila, Julia, and Tyler went to work weeding bean fields here in Burlington Wyoming.  In a couple of weeks they cleared at least 40 acres of beans within two miles of the house.  As for me, I have worked in the fields a little due to the fact that I have been working for Aflac over the past three weeks.