Monday, May 30, 2011

Yellowtail Reservoir, Lovell Wyoming

Yellowtail is about 50 miles north east of Burlington. It is like our own mini Lake Powell. Due to the canyon walls, there are only a couple of boat access points. The lake itself is 71 miles long with the dam in Montana. Yes, the water is muddy all year long due to erosion.Cliff diving anyone? The dark line along the bottom of the cliffs is the high water mark. It gives scale to the size of some of the smaller cliffs.

Domestic Buffalo Near Yellow Tail Reservoir

Left Photo: As we were coming back from the lake, these domestic buffalo were walking down our side of the highway. They thought that WE were on the wrong side of the road. Maybe they are European cows?

Right Photo: Looking at the end of the dock, is what Julia and Tyler named " The USS Floating Flusher." Its a floating bathroom for boaters.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Boy's Will Be Boy's

Tyler had no clue that I was taking his picture while stopping through a mud puddle left behind by spring rains.

Tyler's Zip Line Burlington,WY

Monday, May 9, 2011

Welcome To Grizzly Country

Tyler and I had the opportunity to go fishing with some neighbors to Upper Sunshine Res. just out of Meteetse Wyoming. We found out that the same day we were up there that the Game and Fish Department trapped and moved one of the largest Grizzly Bears in some time.

Cutthroat Trout Upper Sunshine Res. Wyoming

These beautiful fish were taken in the afternoon using both gold and copper spoons. The largest fish measured 18 inches.